I was at Temengor Dam in Gerik, Perak last Thursday and during my break I went for a walk along the left-bank of Perak river, downstream of the Dam. While waiting for a Blue-eared Barbet to come within range, I spotted this Hawk-Cuckoo perched on a low branch below the Barbet which was singing high up the canopy. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get a clear shot of the bird. I tried to get to a better location but the bird disappeared from it’s perch. Well, I believe most bird photographers know the feeling when their target simply disappear in a flash.
I guess luck was on my side when suddenly this very secretive and quiet bird appeared again with food between it’s bill and landed on another branch giving me a chance to get better shots.
Notice what his lunch was? It’s a caterpillar! It made my hair stand when I saw the image on the monitor. Caterpillars are among the creatures that are to be avoided at all cost! I’ve had a couple of painful experience previously where these ‘crawlies’ got under the clothing and you’d feel as if the skin was about to explode!
To him this caterpillar is a tasty meal, must be…
As soon as he swallowed the caterpillar, he quietly disappeared into the belly of the forest again, leaving me with a few frames of blurred images of BIF. This was my last shot before he flew away.