Thursday, March 8, 2012

It’s the green, green world of Green Broadbill

July 2011, Kenyir, Gerik & Ulu Langat


Yes, green seem to very fashionable today….everyone talks about green environment, green energy,green car, green everything….so I’d like to share this green little bird that has been eluding me for quite sometime….

Finally, after almost a year of searching, I managed to capture this green beauty in it’s natural habitat, doing what it was meant to do…

I got smarter after the first encounter and managed to capture their images at 3 different locations during the month of July 2011.


Their almost perfect camouflage renders them almost invisible especially when sitting quietly on their perch…which happens to be their natural behavior…

Green BB(m)1


The plumage on the male bird has some kind shine that looks glossy under certain lighting condition.

Green BB(m)2

Green BB(m)3


Look how glossy this male Green Broadbill look

Green BB(m)4


The female has much less gloss but blends even better with their environment

Green BB(f)1


Almost a perfect camouflage…..

Green BB(f)2

Green BB(f)3

Green BB(f)4


  1. Wonderful series of photos! I just love the Green Broadbill. I've only seen it a couple of times in Malaysia and southern Thailand.

  2. Well done again. Beautiful images.

  3. Lovelly bird, you are so lucky to have so many colored bird. That being said, you make such nice image of those bird's ;)

  4. Absolutely gorgeous shots of the GBBs!

    Pic 5 could cause a massive traffic jam at the causeway if i posted it in my blog! LOL!
